About Us
The Gaia Movement USA is a registered 501(c)(3) environmental not-for-profit organization under the US IRS regulations. Our full name is The Gaia Movement Living Earth Green World Action USA, Inc. We were approved and registered with the IRS in 1999 and have been in operation ever since.
Reuse and Recycling of Textiles in the US
Gaia collects gently used clothes, shoes, and other items in our sustainable drop-boxes which diverts them from landfills. This action saves resources, reduces greenhouse gases, and provides clothes for hundreds of thousands of people. Our drop-boxes provide a convenient way for people to discard of their textiles in an environmental way. Our green bins constantly make people aware of the need to act environmentally. Gaia diverts almost 2.5 million pounds of used clothes, shoes and toys from landfills every year.
Gaia Movement Projects Abroad
As a not-for-profit organization Gaia Movement USA donates funds to environmental projects abroad. These projects are implemented and run by local Gaia leaders in collaboration with DAPP, a Humana People to People organization. Since 2000 we have donated over $1,000,000 between 35 different community and grass root projects in Africa, South America and Asia.
Donating Locally
Gaia Movement USA takes a portion of the donations and sorts them further to be donated in the Chicagoland area. We have donated items such as diapers, nonperishable foods, shoes, coats, bags, and clothes to local shelters, churches, hospice centers, and food pantries.
Selling to Thrift Stores and Whole Sale Dealers.
Gaia Movement USA sorts the donated items by type and packs them into large bales to be shipped and sold per pound for an inexpensive price to second-hand wholesale dealers in Central America. These shipments give many people the opportunity to start a business and secure an income while building up the economy in their area. We are proud to be a part of creating hundreds of green jobs and businesses in Central America.
Economical Transparency
The Gaia Movement USA is 100 % transparent. We have a business license with the City of Chicago and a Certificate of Good Standing with Illinois. Each year we have an outside audit done by a certified auditor with a Financial Statement and 990. The 990 is filled with the IRS annually and available on their site. Gaia is a 501(c)(3) living up to its 1023.