James Lovelock: ‘We should be scared stiff’

James Lovelock: ‘We should be scared stiff’

Extract from an interview with James Lovelock made by Stuart Jeffries from The Guardian, March 15, 2007 about Lovelocks book: “The Revenge of GAIA” ‘We should be scared stiff’ Renowned scientist James Lovelock thinks mainland Europe will soon be desert...
Rewear, Reuse, Recycle

Rewear, Reuse, Recycle

All donated items from our collection bins are brought to a Gaia Movement warehouse. When the clothing and shoes are collected, they become a commodity called “credential” or “original” used clothing. The term “credential” refers to...

Why should we care about Landfills?

The U.S. has 3,091 active landfills and over 10,000 old municipal landfills, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. However, in the “good old days,” every town (and many businesses and factories) had its own dump. There are 39,044 general...
How To Go Green In The Kitchen

How To Go Green In The Kitchen

The concept of going green means that an individual is pursuing a more environmentally friendly lifestyle by making ecologically responsible decisions, using eco-friendly products and more. People who “go green” typically make alternative decisions with regard to the...
Gaia Movement Educates On Why Solar Energy Is Important

Gaia Movement Educates On Why Solar Energy Is Important

As a non-profit organization that spreads the word of why you should recycle, we have a great concern for the direction of where the planet is headed. If people keep up their current energy use, the earth will be an un-livable place for future generations. Not only do...