Operation Clean Sweep – OCS

Operation Clean Sweep – OCS

While people, communities and organizations around the world realizes the magnitude of plastic pollution of our oceans today, and multiple actions are set in motion to do something about it, the plastic industry itself are stepping up to contribute to those efforts-...
How Can We Substitute Plastic Bags?

How Can We Substitute Plastic Bags?

We use many plastic bags in our daily operation. We collect used clothes, which people donate in our drop off bins. Often people put lose clothes in our bins and we need to bag the clothes. We are looking for an alternative to plastic bags. So, we have started...
Plastic a Serious Health Threat to People and Planet

Plastic a Serious Health Threat to People and Planet

WHAT WE HAVE is a world, where materials production and the corporate world can produce for their profit only and without caring for the waste they create and the damage it makes on animals, nature and people. It is largely accepted or tolerated, that they can do...
What could disappear on hothouse earth

What could disappear on hothouse earth

The serious concept of “Hothouse Earth”.Global warming will have severe consequences for the planet.Hot climates and towering seas in years to come if temperatures rise by just 2C.Some of the planet’s natural forces – that currently protect us...