
The 5 R’s: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose.

The 5 R’s: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose.

Although 75% of America’s waste is recyclable, we only recycle around 30% of it. Over 11 million tons of recyclable clothing, shoes, and textiles make their way into landfills each year. At Gaia, we strongly encourage people to recycle their textiles, with us, or with...

Making a Difference: Ponesai Vanhu Children’s Home

Making a Difference: Ponesai Vanhu Children’s Home

Ponesai Vanhu Children’s Home (PVCH) is a place to care for children in vulnerable situations and orphans in the Zimbabwe area. Pandemics and epidemics such as HIV and Covid -19 have impacted heavily on children in Zimbabwe, which resulted in some children losing one...

Farmers in Chivi, Zimbabwe need your help!

Farmers in Chivi, Zimbabwe need your help!

The Farmer's Club consists of local farmers from the districts of Chivi and Mutasa in Zimbabwe. The Farmer's Club teaches sustainable farming methods and small business growth! Chivi is in a much drier area, and as such, is in need of more assistance to help these...

Gaia Movement’s Clothing Reuse & Recycle Program Saves Landfill

Gaia Movement’s Clothing Reuse & Recycle Program Saves Landfill

Each year millions of pounds of clothing are tossed away by their owners and piled up in landfills. People have clothes that they have outgrown or no longer find desirable, and rather than bringing them to a donation center they simply put them in the garbage can. The...

Ticking bomb under Lake Michigan – Line 5 oil and gas pipe

Ticking bomb under Lake Michigan – Line 5 oil and gas pipe

There is a pipeline under Straits of Mackinac - Line 5. It is 68 years old, and it is a ticking bomb, because it can leak anytime and anywhere. It was built in 1953 and has since 1968 had around 30 spills releasing a total of 1.1 million gallons of toxic oil into the...

How to recycle with Gaia

How to recycle with Gaia

Gaia offers an easy way to recycle many items. It is a great way for you to participate in protecting the environment and preventing our landfills to get overfilled. Step 1. Gather and wash your unwanted clothes, textiles and other items you don’t need. Most household...

The Bird Habitat to Level 2

The Bird Habitat to Level 2

The bird habitat in front of the Gaia building was create last summer. During the winter we have fed the birds in this area. We made feeing station out of plastic bottles. The activity in April was to clean up, plant some bushes. It is done and we have furthermore...

NO TRASH action in our neighborhood

NO TRASH action in our neighborhood

NO TRASH action in our neighborhood Our warehouse is in a small industrial area with a school bus company as the closest neighbor. There are working around 40 bus drivers. They have never been educated on not to trough garbage out the window and just trashing the...

Every Day is Earth at Gaia

Every Day is Earth at Gaia

Earth Day is April 22nd . For Gaia the Month of April is Earth Month. In fact, every day year-round is Earth Day for us in Gaia.That is because we love our Earth. We love our Earth so much, that we have dedicated all our days to work for protecting it, our environment...

Prepare winter crops in the greenhouse

Prepare winter crops in the greenhouse

Here is how we made a sun heater to get warm water in a sink in our annex. Making our own warm water will protect the planet a tiny bit more, as the heat will not come from burning fossil fuels.Materials that we had already and which we re-used: 1 aluminum window...

Do something for the birds

Do something for the birds

There are many threatened birds, some say 77 types of birds in Illinois, which are endangered. As one activity within our Planet Protection effort we decided to do something for the birds around our facility.The most common birds in Chicago are also those who stay in...